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Saturday, July 12, 2014

New Version (v1.22 Complete) Posting Notification

Hey there Wastelanders?
How's everybody doin'?

I'm pretty excited myself. 

In honor of my new campaign that is starting tomorrow, "Post-War Ponies, Pre-War Problems," (coming soon to stores near me) I finally got over my perfectionism and said "To hell with it, I'm posting this now." 

That was approximately 8 hours ago.  After about that many hours of editing and compilation work (and fixing the table of contents - it's now 100% completely filled in for the first time ever!), I give you:

Here's a brief summary change log of what's new in this version... Sadly, one of my working changelogs was deleted by accident in a freak accident involving about 6 GB of Anime, so this is probably only about 80% of the changes this update actually captures. 

v1.22 (Pre [27])
- L15 and 30 Character examples.  ALL of them; that's what took so damn long. 
- Update the Character Sheet Guide pictures to match the Mk XIII sheet. 
- Finishing up the BBEG section
- Balancing tweaks including critical damage multiplier reductions
- Rules for continued-substance abuse relating frequent use to addiction chance. 
- Hind Leg Stance for Zebra, now an optional perk for ponies. 
- Unicorn Magic Limitations per spell level
- Wearing multiple sets of Armor (Variable ablation and degradation cycling; how much armor can a character wear?)
- Lightening Spell (for use with talismans, ala a skywagon)
- Repair talismans for powered barding. 
- Reduction of Unicorn strain pool (balance)
- Modifications to addiction rules (and corresponding perks, hindrances, traits)
- Friendly Fire Rules
- By Request: Zonkeys.
- Complete Overhaul of Flight maneuvers.  New maneuvers added referencing the pilot, MLP comic. 
- Authority and mirrored sunglasses give a bonus to Stare intimidate rolls.
- Complete reorganization of Perks.
- Addition to Initiative - Agility affects your rolls more directly now. 
- Altered requirements for several perks to make them easier to acquire based on playtester feedback and to align with Canon.
- First wave of Monster Templates added (Raiders, Ankha and Phoenix, Radscorpions)
- Double Team Fix
- Fixes to zebra talismans, including special ingredient clarification. 
- Throwing things with TK and STR
- Overhaul of Greater Dispel, all TK related spells to more clearly represent effects and interrelation. 
- Overhaul of multiple appropriate spells to reflect Willpower (a semi-derived stat that is actually a combination of CHA and INT; roll both, take best). 
- Talisman Creation overhaul (See Talisman Creator spell)

V1.22 ([27]-[33])
- Overhaul of Magical Arrow Spell tree for clarity
- Overhaul of Lighting effects (for use with shadow magic) - compression of level differences. 
- Zony Shaman Overhaul. 
    - Consume removed.
    - Explicit conversions of Zebra recipes to Unicorn spells and vice versa. 
- Monster templates: Talon Company Mercenaries, Gawdyna grimfeathers, Manticore, Radscorpions, Raiders, Enclave Soldier.  
- Drip, Faucet, copied to kinesis tree.  Their tier 3 and 4 remain elemental exclusive, because they have less to do with kinesis and more to do with smashing people ponies to death with water.
- Ward of Containment fixed.  (whoops!)
- SERIOUS overhaul of the Talisman Creator spell (*again*). 
- Corrections all Zebra spells for consistent grammar in usage. 
- Compression of Zebra spellcasting modes.

Still to Come: 

- Finish the other 65 or so monster sheets I've outlined for myself. 
- Sleep, occasionally.  
- Wasn't I supposed to be working on my master's thesis?
- Also, some Matlab code. 

V2.01 (SEPERATE DOCUMENT - This is the splat book)
- Shadow Magic outlining of core mechanics and spells (completed - I have 77 spells prepared, and the mechanics are all pretty much finished)
- Cybernetics integration (I need a good picture of a Vitruvian Mare...)


  1. For now all I'll say is, thank you Jesus. I will go over the document tomorrow and any clarifications I'll make sure to let you know, again :P Thanks for putting up with my random bullshit questions by the way ;)

    1. Not a problem at all. Thank you for the honest feedback! My play group doesn't often read through the rules book except to find exploits.

  2. One question I have is on the whole "Charisma Based" magic that several races have. Does Charisma basically replace INT in many of the spell descriptions? For example Telekinesis is 2xINT for weight that could be carried, should that then change to 2xCHA for weight?

    Thanks again.

    1. Well yes, it would replace INT in such spell descriptions. It also replaces INT as the attribute linked to the magic skill.

      ...but in all of the zebra spell descriptions that would apply to, I believe I've stated "Casting linked attribute" (or something similar) instead of explicitly stating INT.

    2. Thank you or the clarification. It does say that in the zebra spell descriptions, but it doesn't in the Unicorn/Alicorn section (or at least doesn't in many of the spell descriptions). And changelings run of CHA based magic and unicorn spells, so I just wanted to make sure my group was doing things right.

  3. Hi there, found a small type (I'm assuming) where in the spell description for "Power Source" it notes that the spell Power Source is a Precursor to "Power Source'

    Kinda guessing that was a mistake and thought I'd point it out :)

    1. Good catch - That should read Magical Battery, not power source. The two spells are precursors for each other.

  4. Okay question for you. In one of our sessions we came across Wing Blades, and really it's raised a huge question in our group. What are Wing Blades? Are they unarmed or a melee weapon? And what sort of damage do they actually do?

    If you could clarify this it would be immensely appreciated.

    1. Wing blades are an unarmed weapon, as the use of them is similar to the use of the wings as a slam. Sorry for the delayed response!

  5. You mentioned needing a vitruvian mare for the splat book. Not sure if it'd work for you, and you'd have to contact the artist, but I did find this:

  6. Definitely asking that artist! Thanks!

    Also, if you happen to run into any good clean line-arts that I could use for a generic Buffalo, Sand Dog, Hellhound, Minotaur, or Donkey... I'm definitely interested! (Also Changeling or Crystal Pony!)

  7. Thanks for the awesome system, I enjoy running two campaigns in your system after a rough time with kkat's and Mad Modd's. I have made a butt load of tables for your system in open office/excel format. Can I share them?
