Pages of Interest

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Monsters and Mutants and Manticores, Oh My 2

Today's entry: Cyberdogs!  (With a little bonus thrown in at the end because I had some extra time today. )
I've player around with the idea of allowing players to successfully salvage repair talismans and some base-line cybernetics off of these critters, but in the end I ended up writing it off as a result of predicted issues with wealth balance.  I may change my mind on this when I flesh out the cybernetics for player characters rules in the splat book, however.  Until then, enjoy!

Cyberdog – Pre-war cybernetics were not ready for equine testing in most cases before the bombs fell.  However, some of the first large animal model tests that were successful were done on – you guessed it – dogs.  Before even Diamond Dogs, cybernetics designs were field-tested on the faithful companions of pony kind.   Cybernetically enhanced canines reap the benefits of an extended lifespan, increased strength and stamina, and –so long as their repair talismans hold out – rapid regeneration and recovery.   Their increased strength, size and durability tend to put them in the position of pack-leader among packs of roaming wild dogs.  


W-1N0N4 – The loyal dog of the ministry mare of the MWT is rumored to still be alive even today, cybernetically altered to the point where she’s more machine than canine.  Story has it that she’s the leader of a whole pack of cyber dogs (4d10 of them at any given time) that ruthlessly guard an old MWT facility, waiting for their owners to come back to them once more.   

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