Pages of Interest

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Monsters, Mutants and Manticores 9

Some nights I guess I just get on a roll.  Luckily enough, I don't have work tomorrow, so I was able to crank out the finishing touches on the Ranger Initiate.  These are about as close to grunts as the Steel/Applejack's  Rangers would employ, but I'm mildly concerned that I may have buffed their stats slightly too much for their suggested level range.  This is the end result of a rather tenuous balance between the initiate template from Fallout 3 and the little known pieces of Ranger background from the fics.  Sadly, the fics don't really portray initiates in depth (read: at all), so I was forced to extrapolate mostly from the games - something I generally prefer not to do for anything other than just raw numbers conversion. 

Anyway, I'm done rambling now.  Enjoy!

Tomorrow's project is the start of Knights, Paladins and (finally) Star Paladins.  I hope to give you all three before I skip town on Friday for places southward. 

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