Pages of Interest

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September Updates

Hey There! 
Friendly system creator checking back in.  Still unemployed, but I'm now organized enough to start working again. 

System Updates:
1. Final Book, Part II -
I lost all of my monster sheet templates, completed or otherwise, when I swapped over to the new computer, so I'm working on getting one of my hard drives from the old rig interfaced as a portable to get those back.  Before I could properly back up the files, the CPU fizzled out, soo... yeah. 

The "monster manual" is the only thing that's changing significantly out of this portion of the doc other than GM reference tables and a little bit of expansion to the GM assistance section.  I'll post an incomplete version of that back half based on what I currently have in the next hour or so, since I'm apparently just bad at recovering lost sectors from my existing backups. 

2.  Roll20 - I'm looking for a few good bronies (or pegasisters, as the case may be) to create a character sheet with relevant mechanics that is usable on the popular online RPG hosting site, Roll20.  Here is a link for those of you who haven't heard of the site; basically it's a free to use GM tool for running games through the internet.  It involves some coding, which is why I've put it off. 
When this is complete, I intend to host at least one campaign on there a week. If someone was to complete this for me, I can guarantee that I would run at least a one shot and possibly a personal campaign for you and up to 3 friends. 

3.  PH is completed.   What a long, strange ride it has been.  The final adds from PH will be encompassed in the splat book, mostly because I'm working on cybernetics and vehicles there.   

4.  New work has begun on Cybernetics, Dragons, Shadow Magic and Vehicles.  I am considering adding Yaks, but frankly I'd be just as happy to say the ornery bastards were all wiped out in the megaspell exchange.  If you have any questions about these topics, feel free to drop me a line below. 

That's all I for now folks.  Thank you for your patience. 


  1. Hey! I love this system, glad to see it's still active. Do you know if anyone has some templates for the basic monsters, like the radroach??

    1. Oh no! Is radroach not in there!? Here, Lemme get you set up!
      It'll be here until it gets posted. I don't think puush keeps them for more than a week, but I'll make it a proper post before then!

    2. False Alarm! Its in there on page 499 :D
      ... Note to self: Alphabetize.

  2. Thank you for posting the 2nd part, even if incomplete! It's a great help. Do you have any plans to continue mini-updates (like the changelings) as you do the splat book? Because they are so awesome to have (we already had a couple players with them).

    Also I just wish to say, thank sweet zombie jesus you are not dead and this project still alive. My play group feared.

    P.S. Please keep us in the loop even if to say you're not dead!

    1. Definitely! Especially now that I'm tryign to start a campaign of my own up again. I should be adding little tidbits here and there - hopefully at least once a month. I should have a similar racial post for Dragons in the coming month or so. I'm glad you guys are having fun! :D

    2. I'm super happy to hear we'll have updates again! Even if it's just "hey I'm alive". Cause we started to panic this summer in my group wondering if it would ever be seen or heard from again.

      Also in case anyone is like my playgroup and using our comps for character sheets here is a pre-built Excel file that all you gotta do is plug in your Level, SPECIAL, and Skill ranks and boom, whole char sheet. Spent so much time on this...

    3. That's really neat! I had a couple of early-testers who were trying to d something like this. If you'd like, I can host a copy of this on the blog. I can finally get around to putting up that "Additional Content" page.

    4. You are certainly welcome to host this on the site! If you find any issues or have suggestions on updates let me know. My group updates the file as we think of new things to add :)

    5. Sorry for double reply, but i dont know how many here play this on their PCs and make maps and such either in Maptools or Roll20 but doing so my group has made a lot of maps, and a lot of map assets (like stables, terminals, sparkle cola machines, etc). I was wondering if you ever considered something like a forum or a reddit where we could share these sort of art assets with our fellows who use this system. Because it can make a lot of fun maps relatively easy.

      Just a thought. Can also just share them all with you to post on the site if you want, but we add new ones all the time so might be a bit time consuming...

    6. Took some finangling, and I'm still not sure it worked perfectly, but the forum can now be accessed through the forum page link. :)

  3. I am so glad to have the 2nd part even incomplete. I kept having to keep both 1.23 and 1.22 pdf's up so I could use the 1.23 updated book, but the 1.22 monsters.

    As for Roll20, I was running a game of this on Roll20 already. That is also where I shall be running the name game after my current campaign is complete (which has 5 players currently). That one is using Mad Modd's modified Kkat FoeRPG system currently, because I started playing using that one before I heard of yours. All players will switch over to the new campaign however using your 1.23 system.

    1. I cried a little; reading this made my evening. Let me know if there's anything off the wall you'd like fleshed out with some mechanics!

    2. --Transcribed from one of my players--
      Honestly most of what I want to see is already slated to be added in the later books, but something I would like to see is the addition of more zebra magics. Specifically the ones that appeared later on in PH(Project Horizons), balefire powder, future scrying via talisman and star maps, I think one was some sort of ice power but I can't remember exactly and would have to go back and look at the chapter it appeared to be certain.

      --Also Feedback about the chart from the same player.--
      Anyways, I like the relationship chart, but think the life phases choices should be more mechanically interesting rather than just fluff interesting. Like maybe if you pick money from the focus phase you start with slightly more money, just little things like that.

      --My own mechanics I would love fleshed out, at least a little--
      1. Well... um Cybernetics, but that's already in the works. So my alternate thing about off the wall I would like fleshed out.

      2. Faction rules, like how to form or create a faction.

      3. Settlement/Fortification rules.
      In my game the players are rebuilding Pon Evil and starting their own faction, complete with Robotic guards, and underground facilities. Giving some sort of guide as to simplify the logistics, so as not to number crunch as much as we are currently doing. Perhaps a "caps of supplies" per day/pony. Just so we can say "it will be this much of supplies" instead of having to figure out dietary concerns constantly, and manage hundreds of pounds of "food" micromanaging every single transaction as we currently are having to do, item by item.

      4. Loot rules. I know I made my own, but I would love for a more generalized "this many caps of sellable goods weighing this much" instead of what I get now from using my own generator. That way the players can go to the list in the book and go "Oh, so we found this item in that price range in that sellable goods category." I.E. the loot table can put what type of items can be found by loot regularly, and which items are suggested to be "GM manually place only" due to their inherent worth on game balance.

      Example of a house search (currently):
      Kitchen (Dandy Buck Apples 8, Potato Crisps 3, Dirty Water 2, Pure Water 3, Junk (Fishing pole (10 cap, 1.5 wg), Forceps (5 cap, 1 wg), Forceps (5 cap, 1 wg), Baseball (2 cap, 1 wg), Big spoon (1 cap, 1 wg)), Pilot Light 1, Sparkle-Cola 3)

      Bedroom 1 (Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit (5 cap, 1 wg) 3, Battlesaddles - A Primer (Battle Saddles Magazine), Easy Safe (Caps 21, Magic Energy Pistol , 14 Gem Packs))

      Bedroom 2 (Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit (5 cap, 1 wg) 1, The Even Newer Scientist (Magic Weapons Magazine), The Princess of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (Medicine Book), Hard Safe (Caps 51, Varmint Rifle , 16 5.56mm Rounds))

      Bathroom 1 (First Aid Box (Health Potion 2, Bandages 8, Bobby Pins 2))

      Bathroom 2 (First Aid Box Easy Lock(Health Potion 2, Bandages 4, Bobby Pins 2, Buck))

      General Search (Junk (Opthalmoscope (4 cap, 1 wg), Shot glass (1 cap, 1 wg), Empty syringe (5 cap, 0.1 wg), Talisman , Scalpel (5 cap, 1 wg)), Box of Materials)

    3. Oh, and by the way... I really enjoy the managing party loot system.. good god I have needed that. Really REALLY needed that. Thank you Thank You Thank you!

    4. Oh, my player just noticed that your 1.23 Core Rulebook I has an issue. The short descriptions for the perks do not match the mathematics of the full description. The one I noticed this with directly was the Young trait. The Young trait lists a +5 to 2 stats on the short description. I am running a foal oriented campaign and wanted to let you know about that.

  4. I am happy to have discovered this game. I will be trying to run it at the local game store when they finish their gaming room. I was wondering if you were working on any mini adventures or was that open for other folks to write up and submit?

    1. While I've written about a dozen modules and two full campaigns, the level of polish on them varies from 'non-existent' to 'unintelligible unless you already knew exactly what they were.'

      That said, I'll happily host any modules you (or anyone else) would like to share on this blog. I'll even make a new page for it, with credits to the submitting artist. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'll see what I can do for yaks and other races. Coincidentally,

    1. Additionally I created a few perks,

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