Pages of Interest

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What is Going on, here?

It's been a full, incredibly shitty year. 

Since last November I've been working full time.  I haven't really had time to create anything else beyond doing work for several local LARP groups. 

That said, I haven't forgotten about this project.  I just have sort of had to shelve it.  I'm really sorry I haven't posted or responded to anything since March - I haven't generated any new content, and feel guilty about posting without doing anything. 

But now it's approaching a year since the last content update, and I am pissed off at myself.   

Expect monthly posts, and hopefully some actual content updates soon. 
I'm sorry guys.  Real life has been kicking me seven ways to Sunday. 


  1. Bless your kind soul. I was approaching all hope being lost. You've had long absences but this was the longest figured you had moved on. Even if it's an update that you got nothing it's nice to know not all is lost xD

    Also congrats on full time work!

  2. Woo I'm sorry to hear u had a bad year, I hope you have a batter time of it next year, and congratulations on finding work, and thanks for letting us know wat is growing on.
    I've recently found dis rp system and I love it it's just great, thanks for making it and I wich u the best of luck

    1. Me and my friends have had about 200+ sessions which last on average 5-6 hours. So, ya, we're pretty devoted to it as well xD

  3. I'm glad you are ok. I was worried something had happened to you. But I'm glad you are well.

  4. Glad your ok, had two campaigns going with your system since the last update, 2nd campaign is still going strong into Zebrica. Good luck and indeed, I feel your pain, I do 50 hour forced overtime per week at times. Thankfully after next week will be back to 40 hour weeks.

  5. Man i cried when i saw this. To be honest i thought you died. Its good to see your still around.

    1. Right? Like there's so much left undone and we've yet to see what he plans for things like cybernetics, weapon upgrades, shadow magic, etc. Like...i need something to start with! But man just knowing that he's still around bring tears to my eyes, it's possible, we can hope once again!
