Pages of Interest

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Monsters, Mutants and Manticores - 12

Why hello there Fillies and Gentlecolts.  Here's a look at what I've gotten finished of late: 

Timberwolves – Terrifying constructs formed of the natural wild magic of the forest and the earth, timberwolves are fierce and territorial creatures that guard their home-forest against creatures big or small – even those without hostile intent.  The wounds caused by timberwolf claws and teeth embed small fragments of magic that tamper with and prevent most forms of magical healing.  The wolves themselves cannot be destroyed by conventional weapons or blunt force, and fear only destructive magics and fire. 

       Oakami -- Take about 5 timberwolves apart and put them back together as one great big wolf, and you get an oakami.  These gigantic animate wooden wolf-golems can crush a pony just as easily beneath their paws as they can within their splintered maw! 

(The Oakami will not be included in the first book.  This one is a blog exclusive!)
(More to come next week!) 


  1. Giant wolf made of wood named Oakami? ... "WHAT AYA MEAN I DID BADLY ON TIME?!?!?" Sorry the name and pun gave me a Chuggaaconroy flashback. But in other news glad to see ya back Cause I am nervcited about this game!

  2. Replies
    1. Barely. I've had to stop running and playing in any games due to school work overload. I haven't worked on my system in months and it's not a happy place to be.

    2. I totally understand, Finals are driving me crazy!
