Pages of Interest

Monday, May 4, 2015

Brief Update - Magic Acquisition and Sales

Hello every-being.  This isn't another monster sheets update.  Instead, I've been working on updating some other aspects of the system, including expanding the background items available and making the word document less horrible to look at. 

I've got a new editor (who, funny enough, was one of my alpha testers), who has been working on hyperlinking and breaking out sections of the original document for me - more on that in the coming weeks as it develops.

But I've also gotten some questions from a local game about magic - specifically, purchasing magic.  So I sat in front of a white board with some relatively smart bronies who've played the system and we worked out a purchasing rate for magic.
That kid with the balloon was there before I started working, I swear.

So we have a unified system of purchasing magical services now:
Assuming you can find a unicorn or alicorn who knows it to cast the spell, a single casting of any given spell has base cost of 

Strain Cost *(Spell Level4)*10 caps
(For zebra recipes, replace strain cost with ingredient rarity level and add the cost of any special ingredients)

For a (unicorn magic) talisman capable of producing that spell's effect, add 3500 caps for the use of the Talisman Creator spell and the raw materials.  Again, this assumes you can find one pony who can cast the spell and another who can obtain the necessary talisman-sized gem and cast Talisman Creator.

For teaching spells, the cost of a teacher is

(Strain Cost *(Spell Level + Level Requirement)2)*10 caps
That's the monetary cost, at least. It doesn't factor in precursor spells; you need to have already learned those to learn a spell anyway. But remember: learning spells also takes time.

With a competent teacher, you can learn a spell well enough to cast it on your own after
(Spell Level + Strain Cost)^2 hours.

That works for zebra magic too; recipes can be learned from teachers in (Spell Level +Ingredient Level)^2 hours, assuming the special ingredients, if any, are readily available.  If they're not available, good luck learning the recipe! (That would make for a pretty good fetch-quest, I think...)

That's all for now.  With luck, I'll be posting again before the end of the month.  Without it... well, wish me luck.


  1. Thanks for the great update! Nice to have some clarification on magic and magical learning. Question. Does the magical savant or arcane devotion traits modify the learning time in any way? Cause Magical Savant reduces strain costs and Arcane Devotion mentions learning spells really fast.


  2. Yay! Glad to see there is still development going on here. If I may help I would love to. I have a Pre-War rule variant almost ready if you are interested.

    1. If you feel the urge to send it to me in, say, a month, I'd be happy to look over it and give you some honest feedback :)

    2. Will do, still a few bug that need to be ironed out anyway.

  3. Glad to see you back :) ! Can't wait for new stuff !

  4. I haven't been this excited to see new words since I got my copy of FoE:Pink Eyes in the mail! Glad to see you again!

  5. If you ever need any feedback, I have been running a campaign with 3 players for quite awhile, I have also developed a few loot generation tools in open office format, if you want me to share, I can toss it to you.

    Hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst.
    -Matthew Whisennand

    1. Funny you mention that, I actually just these past few days finished a loot-by-level-appropriateness (working title) chart document in excel. I've got all of the weapons and armor from the core book in there so far, with all of the special munitions and healing items as well. I plan on converting it to a Google sheet with some handy random loot generation soon, after I add in the miscellaneous stuff.
      One of my editors has asked me for a full item list like this for the purposes of random level-appropriate loot generation for quite a while; I'm excited to see what he'll do with it.

    2. Ah, well I am also working on a make your own monster auto-fill Google Sheet, I am about 50% done with it can share link when done. I also have already created a nice Loot generator, but its not loot-by-level appropriate, can't wait to see that version.

      Here is the loot generator, I spent... more time than I care to admit working on it. Many of the firearms are from Mad Modd's ersion as I had originally created it for that version of the game, but I am shifting all of my future games to your FoERPG system due to how much I love the way it has been done.

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